4 more driving laws you might not know exist

4 more driving laws you might not know exist

Much like the laws discussed in our previous post, these are a few driving rules that might not have specifically shown up on your driving theory test. As a result, they may well trip you up in the future (if they haven’t already!). So, whether you’re driving your own vehicle, or one you’ve rented through our Daily hire or Flexi hire services, here are four more driving laws that you might not know exist.

The cost of carbon

As a society, we’ve become increasingly more aware of our impact on the environment. Due to this, the laws that govern the way we drive have adapted to suit this trend. So, as a means of tackling needless pollution, you can now be subject to a £20 fine for leaving your engine running unnecessarily on a public road. Thankfully, this law doesn’t apply if you’re stuck waiting in traffic. On top of the fine, leaving your car running while you pop out for a minute can also waste a lot of fuel if you do it often enough, plus it also increases the likelihood of your vehicle getting stolen since the keys will already be in the ignition ready to go - it’s a thief’s dream!

Don’t let the dogs out

As funny as it is to watch a dog stick its head out of a moving car window with its tongue and ears flapping in the wind, be aware that the potential repercussions might not be as humorous. Sadly, if you’re seen to be distracted by your pet poking its head out the window, this can be interpreted as driving without due care and attention, which could land you with a five thousand pound fine, along with 9 points on your licence. Ouch, that’s ruff…

Snow go

Snow causes chaos here in the UK. For whatever reason, a few inches of snow on the ground leads to pandemonium on the roads, as well as the emergence of a few extra laws that need to be kept in mind. Of course, this is a rare occurrence in Britain, but on the off chance that we do experience a significant amount of snowfall, chances are you’ll probably need to clear some off your car before heading about your day.

Technically, there’s no actual law stating that you can’t drive with snow on the roof of your car, however, this can be considered as ‘driving without due consideration’ or 'using a motor vehicle in a dangerous condition’. Both of these offences can land you with a sixty pound fine, as well as three points on your licence, which is a rather chilling thought…

Would you like fines with that?

You’re probably aware that it’s now illegal to use a mobile phone when behind the wheel of a vehicle. What you might not know though is that this same rule applies even if you’re not moving, and the engine is still running.

For instance, ff you’re someone who regularly uses their phone to pay for things, you might want to consider breaking this habit before heading out for your next drive-through meal, as you could face up to a £1,000 fine and 6 points on your licence just for touching your mobile. Play it safe, turn the engine off and apply the handbrake or you could be in for a not-so-happy meal!

There you have it! These rules are universal, so it doesn’t matter if you’re driving your own car, or if you’ve taken advantage of our fantastic car hirevan hire, or minibus hire deals, be sure to keep them in mind.

All of our rental vehicles here at Intack Self Drive come with the option to rent through daily hire, or our outstanding Flexi hire service, so wherever your intended destination, we’ll have a vehicle that suits your requirements. We’ve got almost half a century of car and minibus hire experience under our belt here at Intack, and we’re always here to help. Ready to get started? You can browse the best hire deals right here on our site, or give us a call on 01254 57811!

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