Our top tips for driving on Halloween

Our top tips for driving on Halloween

Halloween is fast approaching, and it’s the time of year where we all have permission to eat, drink and dress up to our heart’s content. However, from a motoring perspective, Halloween can present a unique set of challenges to drivers – many off which often wouldn’t normally be a problem.

So, to help you avoid any frights this Halloween, we’ve put together our list of ultimate driving tips to keep you safe this Halloween, whether you’re driving your own vehicle or one you’ve hired from us here at Intack Self Drive.

Slow right down

It goes without saying that it’s always good to stick to the speed limit. For the most part, any built-up area featuring street lights with have a speed limit of 30mph. Keep an eye out though, as many places around the UK are increasingly changing their limit to 20mph (if you’re unsure, speed bumps are usually a good indicator of a 20mph zone!).

So, given that “stick to the speed limit” is fairly common knowledge, why are we bringing it up? Well on Halloween night, residential streets in particular will be extremely busy, so by keeping your speed low, you’ll give yourself more time to react if any monsters end up on the road in-front of you. This leads us directly into our next point.

Keep an eye out for kids

We know how easy it is for sugar-fuelled children to get carried away with all the excitement that comes along with Halloween. Whether they’re out with their friends or parents, kids will be most definitely be paying more attention to the sweets in their hands than on the roads, so it’s vital that you take extra care when driving.

It’s worth paying particular attention to groups of kids without parents with them, and keep your windows clean and clear so you can see the road ahead better. Since costumes can make kids harder to spot, especially at night, take extra care when approaching junctions and crossings.

Try not to get distracted

It’s fair to say that you see all sorts of weird and wacky things roaming the streets on Halloween night. Everyone’s dressed up, houses are decorated with spooky features, and it can all get a bit overwhelming. It’s very easy for the fun to quickly descend into madness though, particularly if there’s alcohol involved. So, as entertaining as it may be to watch Michael Myers and Ron Burgundy drunkenly square off on your neighbour’s front lawn, try to keep your eyes on the road when you’re behind the wheel.

Protect your valuables

Okay technically this isn’t a driving tip, but it still relates to vehicles! As you’re probably already aware, it’s always good to place your valuables out of sight if you’re storing them in your car. This is particularly true on Halloween, as it’s not uncommon for some criminals to use the celebration as a cover to target unsuspecting motoring. It’s dark, everyone’s out in masks and up to mischief, so it’s the perfect opportunity for criminals to blend in. To avoid having your valuables stolen, it’s definitely best to just completely remove them from your vehicle at this time of year.

It’s all fairly straightforward stuff, but still worth bearing in mind – especially at this time of year! Plus, if you have a scare during the spooky season that leaves you needing a temporary vehicle in frighteningly quick time, we’re here to help.

All of our rental vehicles here at Intack Self Drive come with the option to rent through daily hire, or our outstanding Flexi hire service, so wherever your intended destination, we’ll have a vehicle that suits your requirements. We’ve got almost half a century of car hireminibus hire, and van hire experience under our belt here at Intack, and we’re always here to help. Ready to get started? You can browse the best hire deals right here on our site, or give us a call on 0125457811!

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